Cannot see inbox messages

Simon Matter simon.matter at
Tue Dec 3 02:21:51 EST 2002

> Hi!
> I am extremely new to cyrus and I have the following technology stack.  I'm using Sendmail as an MTA and Cyrus as the
> POP/IMAP server.  From the Pop side my messages come in perfectly.  I imagine this is being done by copying to
> /home/$USERNAME/mbox from /var/mail/$USERNAME.  I've tested the IMAP piece by setting up a new account on an IMAP
> compatible email client and it seems to be connecting.  Ive created and deleted mailboxes and it seems to be ok.  I've
> even installed SquirrelMail and noticed my newly created mailboxes.  The only problem is I can't see any incoming
> mail!  There is an inbox but there doesn't appear to be a link to the /var/mail/$USERNAME or /home/$USERNAME/mbox. 
> I've done some reasearch and noticed that there is a script out there called user2cyrus but apparently I am missing a
> Base 64 module.
> My first question is, am I missing a step in this whole process?  If not, is there some step by step approach to
> convert my /var/mail/$USERNAMEs manually (There are only about 10)?
> I appreciate any help you can provide!  :)
> Best Regards,
> Jason

Cyrus imapd has it's own message store with its own format. It is not
interested in /var/mail/$USERNAME or /home/$USERNAME/mbox. To transfer
mails, there are some tools around which you can use to transfer mails.
IIRC one of them is 'formail'. Check this lists archives for more info.
It has been discussed more than once.


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