cyrus-2.2-cvs: virtualdomains and sendmail virtusertable (cyrusv2 as local mailer)

Christian Schulte cs at
Tue Dec 17 22:27:51 EST 2002

Joe Rhett schrieb:

>>I hope that documenting how best to configure sendmail for use with
>>Cyrus 2.2 in virtdomain mode will be part of the documentation cleanup
>>that preceeds the 2.2 release.  If I were sure what "the best"
>>approach was, I'd happily submit patches to the Cyrus documentation
>>files describing it.  But I keep thinking that someone somewhere
>>surely knows of a better way than making changes to proto.m4 :-)
>It's already in the docs for 2.2.
I am running a 2.2 branch installation. I cannot find appropriate 
documentation concerning virtual domain support and how to configure the 
MTA under the doc/ directory! Is the documentation available in cvs ? I 
will have to change some things in my sendmail installation to get 
sendmail working with domains in local-user names. What I have running 
right now is working but with the cost of loosing the ability of 
configuring catchall accounts in virtusertable which would end up in 
some virtusertable-entry like:

@domain.tld    account at domain.tld

which actually is a recursion! Also aliases are no longer expanded 
because after ending virtusertable-processing there will not be local 
users without a @domain.tld part. An alias-entry like:

account at domain.tld    account2 at otherdomain.tld, account at domain.tld

is not possible at all! So what I will try to do is an extension of the 
proto.m4 to be able to finish up virtusertable with entries for which an 
alias-entry exists without @domain.tld ! If there are some hints in the 
documentation it would be great if you could point me somewhere....


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