duplicate suppression, sieve, loops, redirect and lost email

Ken Murchison ken at oceana.com
Fri Aug 30 15:24:20 EDT 2002

"Kevin P. Fleming" wrote:
> Ken Murchison wrote:
> > Forget about duplicate suppression, even if it was turned off, the user
> > has created a loop in which the message will not get filed/kept.  Every
> > time the message hits the sieve script, it is going to be redirected,
> > until something breaks the loop.
> >
> Right, but is this even the mailstore's responsibility at all? Are there
> any other mailstores that do this? AFAIK, all decent MTAs already handle
> finding and stopping mail loops by counting received headers, so the
> loop would get stopped.

It would get stopped, but the mail would never end up in the user's
INBOX (maybe a DSN would).

> Granted, the user needs to be educated as to what they should/shouldn't
> do with their sieve scripts... but going by the other responses in this
> thread, if the sieve engine could keep track of what message ids it had
> previously redirected, the transmogrification of "redirect" into "keep"
> would be pretty straightforward.

It already does keep track of msgid/rcpt pairs for redirect, but I still
don't see how this helps us.  How does the script know that it
redirected back to itself?  Perhaps adding the server's hostname to the
X-Sieve header would help us determine that this message is coming back
to us via a loop.

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--    http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

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