[Disksim-users] Synthetic workload generating module - Upper-bound on pending requests

Yipkei Kwok ykwok2 at miners.utep.edu
Fri Jan 25 15:32:09 EST 2013

Dear Disksim users,

I am using the synthetic workload generating module for my
experiments. How can I specify the maximum number of pending requests
in the I/O subsystem (I/O driver + controller + disks) of each

Note: I followed the instructions on page 43 of the Disksim 4.0
reference manual; to simulate a closed subsystem model, I set the
probability that a request is time-critical to 1.0. I also set the
inter-request computation times to 0.0 to eliminate think times. As a
result, I got one pending request for each process. What I want is to
bound the maximum number of pending requests to a specific number
(say, 20). How can I do that?

Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.


Yipkei Kwok (@yipkeikwok)
Ph.D. Candidate
Research Assistant
HiPerSys Lab
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at El Paso
Phone: 915 747 6433 (O)
E-mail: ykwok2 at miners dot utep dot edu

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