[Disksim-users] How to Simulate RAID5 based on one ssd?

smile 258908913 at qq.com
Tue May 17 05:53:30 EDT 2011

hi,disksim users
       If I want to simulate RAID5 based on one ssd,maybe I should modify the ssd.c  and the related codes,it is so terrible. Can I transfer the question to this case:
      A big ssd with 8 elements and its total capacity is 8G, if I want to simulate RAID5 based on this ssd.Simulating RAID5 based on one ssd is not supported in Disksim,but n ssd can do in Disksim.
       So,can I transfer the question to this :
       Simulating RAID5 based on 8 small ssds,and every ssd with only one element,the total capacity of 8 ssds is 8G,too.We should ensure the total capacity is the same.then I can use Disksim to simulate RAID5.
       In first case,we use parallel between elements.and the second case ,we use parallel between ssds(here ssds equal elements,because one ssd with only one element).
       Are the two parallels the same?   Are they equivalent?   Is it feasible?
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