[Disksim-users] simulation rollback

John Bucy bucy at ece.cmu.edu
Mon Jun 26 17:53:59 EDT 2006

On 6/26/06, Shahrukh Rohinton Tarapore <shahrukh at cs.virginia.edu> wrote:
> How difficult is it rollback a simulation run?  What I mean is if during
> a simulation run the simulated time at 25 ms. and I want it go go back
> to the state the simulator was in at time 20 ms what changes are
> necessary.  Would I only need to remember the state of the intq at time
> 20 ms?  Also what about the state of the mechanical model?  Please let
> me know if there are other conciderations to be made and if  rollback is
> even feasible? Thanks

There is some old checkpointing code in there but I don't think its
been used for years and I don't know whether it even works anymore.  I
never used it my self and I'm not sure if its fine-grained enough for
what you're describing here.

Otherwise, I'm not aware of anyone in our group actively looking into
doing this for disksim.  Off the top of my head, I imagine it would be
rather difficult and invasive.


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