[DANCE] DiscourseDB online tutorial on August 25

Oliver Ferschke ferschke at cs.cmu.edu
Tue Aug 9 12:11:00 EDT 2016

Dear DANCE community,

we are happy to invite you to our second DiscourseDB online tutorial on August 25 at 9.00am EDT.


In this full-day tutorial, we will introduce the conceptual and technical foundations of DiscourseDB and the thinking behind the iterative design process of the last year. 
In interactive sessions, we will work with you to help you understand how to get from raw discourse data to a representation that allows easy access and supports reusable analysis workflows.
We will show you how you can browse the data, once it's imported into DiscourseDB, how to use interfaces to annotation tools and machine learning frameworks and finally, in a hands-on session, how to develop new data converters for your discourse data.

If you are interested in participating live in the tutorial, please send an email to ferschke at cs.cmu.edu before August 24. 
Since "Hangouts on Air" are restricted to ten users, we have to limit the number of participants to nine.
The tutorial website will indicate if all slots have been filled.

The tutorial will be recorded and can be viewed on YouTube any time after August 25.

In order to participate in the hands-on activities in the second part of the tutorial, please make sure to prepare your development environment by following the steps outlined in this document


We hope to see many of you online on August 25

Oliver and Carolyn

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