GSSAPI plugin and kerberos auth-to-local rules

Carson Gaspar carson at
Wed Oct 7 20:58:31 EDT 2009

Henry B. Hotz wrote:
> On Oct 7, 2009, at 4:40 PM, Carson Gaspar wrote:
>> What worries me is that the native realm _is_ stripped. It shouldn't 
>> be. I'm not
>> sure why gssapi_server_mech_step() does so.
> Because most programs are only set up to handle simple usernames.
> I thought it was only the Solaris implementation that did that (and only 
> if the realm == the default realm in [libdefaults]).  I gather you're 
> seeing that elsewhere?

RTFS ;-)

It's potentially done on all platforms. And it's done IFF:

gss_import_name(x, "foo", defined(GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME) ? GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME : 
GSS_C_NULL_OID, &result)
if ("foo at bar.baz" == result) { user = "foo" }

If you're using MIT krb5's libgssapi, yes that relates to the default realm. 
Other GSSAPI implementations likely behave differently.


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