Failing at 1st test-the-SASL-server steps

Ric relentless at
Thu Sep 4 22:45:02 EDT 2008

I'm working on getting SASL setup for use in OpenLADP+Kerberos.

I've got Cyrus SASL installed from repos on OpenSuse,

	saslauthd -v
		saslauthd 2.1.22
		authentication mechanisms: getpwent kerberos5 pam rimap shadow 

I'm reading the "Configuring GSSAPI and Cyrus SASL" doc 

The tutorial states:

	"The command-line used for sample-server needs to specify the 
GSSAPI service name and the location of the plug-ins; your sample 
command line might look something like this:
	./sample-server -s host -p ../plugins/.libs
	on UNIX"

Checking the server options,

	/usr/bin/cyrus_sasl_sample_server --help
		/usr/bin/cyrus_sasl_sample_server: invalid option -- '-'
		usage: server [-p port] [-s service] [-m mech]

"-p" refers to "port".  Which is clearly *not* the plugin library 

(1) which is the *correct* usage of/for "-p"?

When I try to run the recommended test, I get simply,

	/usr/bin/cyrus_sasl_sample_server -s ldap
		trying 2, 1, 6
		trying 10, 1, 6
		socket: Address family not supported by protocol

not, as the doc says,

	" You should get a response similar to:
	  Generating client mechanism list...
	  Sending list of 3 mechanism(s)

(2) Can someone please clarify how to set up, run & pass the simple 
'sample' tests?  Or, point to some other docs?



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