CalendarEvents: should we patch the patch, or patch the model?

Bron Gondwana brong at
Sun Nov 24 08:06:29 EST 2019

This is triggered by the fact that our current updates of calendar participants on overridden events is broken, and the reason is this:

 'recurrenceOverrides/2019-03-01T09:00:00/participants~1baz/participationStatus' => 'accepted',

This is a patch against an event with the following overrides.

 "recurrenceOverrides": {
 "2019-02-01T09:00:00": {
 "duration": "PT2H"
 "2019-03-01T09:00:00": {
 "participants/baz": {
 "@type": "Participant",
 "sendTo": {
 "imip": "mailto:baz at local"
 "email": "baz at local",
 "name": "Baz",
 "kind": "individual",
 "roles": {
 "attendee": true
 "locationId": "loc3",
 "participationStatus": "needs-action",
 "expectReply": true,
 "scheduleSequence": 0

And the following participants at the top level:

 "participants": {
 "bar": {
 "@type": "Participant",
 "sendTo": {
 "imip": "mailto:bar at local"
 "email": "bar at local",
 "name": "Bar",
 "kind": "individual",
 "roles": {
 "attendee": true
 "locationId": "loc2",
 "participationStatus": "needs-action",
 "expectReply": true,
 "scheduleSequence": 0
 "foo": {
 "@type": "Participant",
 "sendTo": {
 "imip": "mailto:foo at local"
 "email": "foo at local",
 "name": "Foo",
 "kind": "individual",
 "roles": {
 "owner": true,
 "attendee": true,
 "chair": true
 "locationId": "loc1",
 "participationStatus": "accepted",
 "expectReply": false,
 "scheduleSequence": 0,
 "participationComment": "Sure; see you \\"soon\\"!"

Note that if 'baz' was also present on the top level, the patch with this syntax would be:

'recurrenceOverrides/2019-03-01T09:00:00/participants~1baz~1participationStatus' => 'accepted',

And theoretically if there were no participants on the top level event (not possible in this model) it would be:

'recurrenceOverrides/2019-03-01T09:00:00/participants/baz/participationStatus' => 'accepted',

Because there would be a rich participants object in the override.

*My contention is this:**

We should always patch the model, not the wire representation. The wire representation is a compact representation of the event, in which each recurrence override is just a patch of what needs to be changed, but critically *an entire copy of the event is a valid patch as well*.

I would argue that we should always patch the overrides as if we were patching a complete copy of the event, so that the last format is always correct. Otherwise, we're assuming that the server always calculates the patch in the same way, and there's no guarantee of that.

This means the client would need to be changed rather than Cyrus to fix our production bug. I have vague memories of discussing this with Robert and deciding that patching the entire model as if the datastructure was fully resolved is the only sane approach, now that I come back an dig into this some more. This means that it doesn't matter how the calendar event is stored on the server, because it always has a way to expand every recurrence out to the full object, and then calculate the minimised version for storage and /get again.

This also means that we never get weird '~1' items in the patch paths when we update an event over the wire, which is kinda nice - and the same patch will still apply cleanly even if 'baz' got invited to the master event in the meantime. 


 Bron Gondwana, CEO, Fastmail Pty Ltd
 brong at

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