backup replication: sync_try_imap

Philippe a4obmfyynykaadikaqjugtica5ewkdyamu at
Tue Sep 4 04:49:02 EDT 2018

Hi Ellie,

thanks a lot for your answer.

On 04.09.2018 04:50, ellie timoney wrote:
> From your other email, it looks like you're using the experimental
> backup system?
No worries, I have an ordinary backup and wanted to try out the rolling
backup additionally ;).

> On your backup server, you need to run the backupd service (listening
> on the csync port), not the imapd service.
The csync backup replication already works fine (well, apart from the
error messages mentioned in my other email). I just wanted to try out
the "sync_try_imap" option because csync was described as deprecated /
outdated in the documentation.

> (If you use the imapd service, you will just have a normal replica,
> and messages will be deleted in the usual way when the deletion
> replicates.  Great as a hot spare, useless as a backup!)
So, basically it's:

- setting up a common replication: use imap in favour of csync because
the latter is getting obsolete
- setting up a backup replication: use backupd w/csync


Probably I mixed up the replication types and thought of the backup as a
common replication with "extras".


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