cyrus-sasl and plugin's dirertory

Sergey a_s_y at
Thu Jun 30 10:02:54 EDT 2016

On Wednesday 29 June 2016, Dan White wrote:

> >I attempted to lookup to Cyrus-IMAP code but not found
> >implementation search of plugins.
> The plugin path is hard coded within the sasl glue library (libsasl2),
> and can be overridden using the sasl_getpath_t callback.

Thanks, true ! SASL_CB_GETPATH was defined by broken patch.

> See sasl_callbacks(3), and the doc/plugprog.html and doc/programming.html
> files in the source.
> Cyrus Devel:
> Is the docs/ directory available on the website? I can't find them.

More about docs. I look to sasl.h and I not found sasl_getpath_t in first

 * Server only Callbacks:
 *  sasl_authorize_t             user authorization policy callback
 *  sasl_getconfpath_t           get path to search for config file
 *  sasl_server_userdb_checkpass check password and auxprops in userdb
 *  sasl_server_userdb_setpass   set password in userdb
 *  sasl_server_canon_user       canonicalize username routine
 * Client/Server Function Summary:
 *  sasl_done         Release all SASL global state
 *  sasl_dispose      Connection done: Dispose of sasl_conn_t
 *  sasl_getprop      Get property (e.g., user name, security layer info)
 *  sasl_setprop      Set property (e.g., external ssf)
 *  sasl_errdetail    Generate string from last error on connection
 *  sasl_errstring    Translate sasl error code to a string
 *  sasl_encode       Encode data to send using security layer
 *  sasl_decode       Decode data received using security layer

More, I looked to the Debian's patch set and found what sasl_getconfpath_t
used for client. Is some changes not reflected here ?

Regards, Sergey

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