Minutes March 2nd

Bron Gondwana brong at fastmail.fm
Mon Mar 9 09:14:46 EDT 2015

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015, at 12:05 AM, ktm at rice.edu wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 09, 2015 at 11:36:36PM +1100, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> > TODO: we need to nail down what's in 3.0 (you'll see a theme here over the next two lots)
> > 
> Hi,
> I just wanted to keep a note in the feature request list about supporting a way to
> update from version 2.3.x to a current release without the need for an unconstrained
> I/O storm caused by the forced mailbox format upgrades. We are still using version
> 2.3 because an update to 2.4 would cause mailboxes to be converted on first access.
> If we could upgrade the replica first and then make it the primary after the
> upgrade had completed and then upgrade the replica to complete the process, we
> could do it. Alternatively, if the new version could use the old version of the
> mailbox, we could then control the format update I/O usage.
> Regards,
> Ken
> (stuck on version 2.3)

You'll be pleased to know, there is no IO storm in 2.5.0, even upgrading from 2.3.  Instead,
you need to run "reconstruct -V max" to upgrade your indexes.  Until you upgrade them,
you lose delayed expunge (it expunges all mailboxes instantly when you first open them,
because that's too complex to support otherwise).


  Bron Gondwana
  brong at fastmail.fm

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