Slow unit tests

ellie timoney ellie at
Sun Aug 30 20:17:18 EDT 2015

> I've noticed a bit of a creep in the cunit tests - they've gone from
> taking a few seconds to taking significantly longer.

The big climb recently was for verifying timeout behaviour in
lib/lock_flock.c (new module).  

It's on master rather than my own branch to get eyeballs on it, but at
this point I don't think I actually need it, in which case I'll
eventually revert the commits that introduced it.

> I'd like to maybe do a "light-tests" and "heavy-tests" if we're going to
> do things which are timing or massive data dependent in our unit tests.

Same.  There's a lot I'd like to do with the unit tests but none of it
quite breaks down into discrete tasks that can be addressed iteratively,
so it keeps getting shoved back down the stack.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2015, at 10:40 PM, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> I've noticed a bit of a creep in the cunit tests - they've gone from
> taking a few seconds to taking significantly longer.  We need to keep
> them fast, or running them becomes a pain rather than something you do
> all the time.
> I'd like to maybe do a "light-tests" and "heavy-tests" if we're going to
> do things which are timing or massive data dependent in our unit tests.
> Bron.
> -- 
>   Bron Gondwana
>   brong at

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