On formats of usernames and mailboxes

Bron Gondwana brong at fastmail.fm
Sun Aug 23 23:48:52 EDT 2015

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015, at 13:46, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> So let's stop doing heirarchysep translations anywhere. The only place they need to be done on usernames is when you're converting them into a mailbox, and the only place that needs to happen is mboxname_parts_to_* or mboxname_user_mailbox(userid, "sub");
> [/rant]


struct mboxlist_parts will, at some point when I have time, have a strarray_t of 'boxes' rather than the single box, which means that even there, it will never have the ^ character.  Individual items will be in realised form, aka with dots in them.  The only place that heirarchysep translations will ever be done is writing them out to the wire, or down to the DB.

And then everything will be happy and shiny and nothing will double-decode.

  Bron Gondwana
  brong at fastmail.fm

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