howto: set up a cyrus development environment
ellie timoney
ellie at
Mon Apr 27 20:52:57 EDT 2015
These instructions are mostly for Conrad, but they might be useful to
the greater list. We should also clean these up and format them on the
They are based on debian 8.0, cause that's what I was setting up as I
wrote it. Other Linux distros will probably be similar in the broad
ideas but perhaps different in the specifics. If you already have a
preferred distro, use that (I assume you know how to use its package
management system). If you don't already have a preferred distro, maybe
consider using debian.
While writing this, I set it up in a virtual machine so that the
packages/etc don't cause any conflicts with my actual development
environment, which is debian 7.8.
For whatever reason, on debian 8.0 a handful of cassandane tests are
erroring (not failing) for the cyrus-imapd-2.5 branch, and rather more
are erroring for the master branch. This isn't a problem for me on
debian 7.8, but I'm not yet sure of the cause (maybe I've just missed a
step in configuring cass, who knows).
Anyway, on with the instructions.
-- ellie
Setting up access to the cyrus-imapd git repository:
1. You'll need a public key. If you don't already have a
~/.ssh/, then create one with ssh-keygen(1)
2. Login to Phabricator, and go to the SSH Keys settings panel:
3. Click "Upload public key", and paste the contents of your
~/.ssh/ (n.b. NOT ~/.ssh/id_rsa!) into the public key box.
Give it a descriptive name too. Click Upload
4. Install git if you don't already have it:
sudo apt-get install git
5. Clone the cyrus-imapd repository (you can get this URL from the
Diffusion app within Phabricator)
git clone ssh://
Setting up dependencies:
1. Install tools for building
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool
pkg-config bison flex valgrind
2. Install dependencies for master branch
sudo apt-get install libjansson-dev libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev
libical-dev libsasl2-dev libssl-dev libopendkim-dev libcunit1-dev
3. Additional dependencies for cyrus-imapd-2.5: you'll need the "-dev"
package to match whichever version of libdb you already have installed
(assuming it's probably already installed). I needed "libdb5.3-dev" on
debian 8.0, but "libdb5.1-dev" on 7.8.
Compiling cyrus:
1. cd /path/to/cyrus-imapd
2. autoreconf -i -s # generates a configure script, and its various
3. ./configure CFLAGS="-Wno-unused-parameter -g -O0 -Wall -Wextra
-Werror" --enable-coverage --enable-http --enable-unit-tests
--enable-replication --with-openssl=yes --enable-nntp --enable-murder
--enable-idled --prefix=/usr/cyrus
4. make lex-fix # you need this if compile fails with errors from
5. make
6. make check
Setting up cassandane:
1. Clone the cassandane repository (you can get the URL from the
Diffusion app within Phabricator)
git clone ssh://
2. Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install libtest-unit-perl libconfig-inifiles-perl
libdatetime-perl libbsd-resource-perl libxml-generator-perl
libencode-imaputf7-perl libio-stringy-perl libnews-nntpclient-perl
3. cd /path/to/cassandane
4. make
5. Copy cassandane.ini.example to cassandane.ini, and then edit
cassandane.ini to set up your cassandane environment. Assuming you
configure cyrus with --prefix=/usr/cyrus (as above), then the defaults
are mostly fine, just set "destdir" to "/var/tmp/cyrus"
6. Create a "cyrus" user and matching group
sudo adduser --system --group cyrus
7. Give your user account access to sudo as cyrus
sudo visudo
# add a line like:
username ALL = (cyrus) NOPASSWD: ALL
# where "username" is your own username
8. Make the destdir directory, as the cyrus user
sudo -u cyrus mkdir /var/tmp/cass
Building cyrus-imapd for cassandane:
1. cd /path/to/cyrus-imapd
2. (compile as above)
3. make DESTDIR=/var/tmp/cyrus install
Running cassandane tests:
1. cd /path/to/cassandane
2. ./ -f pretty -j 8 # read the script to see other
Setting up Arcanist:
Arcanist is a tool for managing workflow (code review, etc), which sits
between git and Phabricator
1. Install arcanist:
2. Set up arcanist:
3. Get familiar with the arcanist workflow:
Setting up syslog:
A lot of cyrus's debugging information gets logged with syslog, so
you'll want to be able to capture it and find it later (especially when
debugging cassandane tests)
1. Find the correct place to edit syslog config for your system (for
me, I needed to create a /etc/rsyslog.d/cyrus.conf)
2. Add lines like:
local6.* /var/log/imapd.log
auth.debug /var/log/auth.log
3. Restart the rsyslog service
sudo /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart
4. Arrange to rotate the imapd.log so it doesn't get stupendously large
sudo vim /etc/logrotate.conf
# add lines like:
rotate 4
invoke-rc.d rsyslog rotate > /dev/null
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