frontend lmtp connections to mupdate master

Michael Menge michael.menge at
Fri Sep 26 04:43:20 EDT 2014


last night we had a problem with our mupdate master not
working any more, received SIGSEGV, and the next mupdate had an
internal error. See logs below.
I had been under the impression that only changes in the mailbox db
would fail if the mupdate master was not working.

But also mail delivery was failing. The frontend lmtpd tried
to connect to the mupdate master, and didn't use the frontend

I was wondering whats the reasoning?
I think the many connections to the mupdate master i have seen,
have not been backend impad processes creating/renaming/deleting
folders but frontend lmtpd processes asking for information which is
available local.


    Michael Menge

Sep 25 22:15:12 mailserv01 mu/master[8348]: process 8665 exited,  
signaled to death by 11
Sep 25 22:15:12 mailserv01 mu/master[8348]: service mupdate pid 8665  
in READY state: terminated abnormally
Sep 25 22:15:13 mailserv01 mu/mupdate[46721]: DBERROR: reading  
/srv/cyrus-mu/db/skipstamp, assuming the worst: No such file or  
Sep 25 22:15:19 mailserv01 mu/mupdate[46721]: skiplist: checkpointed  
/srv/cyrus-mu/mailboxes.db (459230 records, 47495540 bytes) in 2 seconds
Sep 25 22:15:20 mailserv01 mu/mupdate[46721]: Internal error:  
assertion failed: cyrusdb_skiplist.c: 497: db && db->map_len &&  
db->fname && db->map_base && db->is_open && db->lock_status
Sep 25 22:15:20 mailserv01 mu/master[8348]: service mupdate pid 46721  
in READY state: terminated abnormally
Sep 25 22:15:20 mailserv01 mu/mupdate[46912]: DBERROR: reading  
/srv/cyrus-mu/db/skipstamp, assuming the worst: No such file or  
Sep 25 22:15:23 mailserv01 mu/mupdate[46912]: skiplist: checkpointed  
/srv/cyrus-mu/mailboxes.db (459230 records, 47495540 bytes) in 2 seconds
Sep 25 22:15:23 mailserv01 mu/master[8348]: process 46912 exited,  
signaled to death by 6
Sep 25 22:15:23 mailserv01 mu/master[8348]: service mupdate pid 46912  
in READY state: terminated abnormally
Sep 25 22:15:23 mailserv01 mu/mupdate[46936]: DBERROR: reading  
/srv/cyrus-mu/db/skipstamp, assuming the worst: No such file or  
Sep 25 22:15:26 mailserv01 mu/mupdate[46936]: skiplist: checkpointed  
/srv/cyrus-mu/mailboxes.db (459230 records, 47495540 bytes) in 2 seconds

M.Menge                                Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen                   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung          mail:  
michael.menge at
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen
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