'Upgrade' from Cyrus 2.3.18 to 2.4.17 - need to rebuild '.seen' files?

Karl Pielorz kpielorz_lst at tdx.co.uk
Fri May 31 05:48:05 EDT 2013

Further to my original post...

If I run imapd up - and access the mailbox, I see the following logged:

May 31 10:44:20 imaps[7401]: seen_db: user fred opened 
May 31 10:44:20 imaps[7401]: Index upgrade: user.fred (10 -> 12)
May 31 10:44:20 imaps[7401]: open: user fred opened INBOX

After this, I can run 'reconstruct user.fred' (and don't get any 
segfault/core from reconstruct).

So - is there anyway to run something that will go through and do this 
'Index upgrade' on all the .seen files? - That way I can be sure the mail 
store is upgraded to the new version of Cyrus IMAP before I let masses of 
people log in to the system?



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