Add VACATION :seconds support

Дилян Палаузов dilyan.palauzov at
Tue May 8 07:47:46 EDT 2012

Post scriptum:

Also sieve/interp.c:sieve_listextensions(sieve_interp_t *i) has to be 
fixed, so that it includes "vacation-seconds" in its return value.  The 
result of sieve_listextensions, including "vacation-seconds", is printed 
by timsieved's CAPABILITY command.

Extending sieve_listextensions() probably requires adding 
"vacation-seconds" in "sieve_extensions" in lib/imapoptions.

On 08.05.2012 13:32, Дилян Палаузов wrote:
> Hello,
> To patch 1: autobuild: Fix directory handling
> Why do you use instead of autoreconf -vi?
> To patch 2,3,4: Change vacation day to seconds
> I would suggest adding a new opcode to the sieve bytecode for "vacation
> :seconds", that is used for all uploads in the future, in a way similar
> to the implementation in bc_eval.c of B_FILEINTO_ORIG and
> B_REDIRECT_ORIG. This will allow current scripts to continue running
> without the need to be recompiled. For future scripts, always the
> seconds are stored, even if :days was provided. Currently bc_eval
> supports all versions starting from BYTECODE_MIN_VERSION = 0x03.
> I mean, in addition to your patches,
> - replacing in bytecode.h B_VACATION with B_VACATION_ORIG on line 130,
> and adding a new B_VACATION at the end of enum bytecode (could be called
> - fixing bc_dump and sieved to be able to dump both B_VACATION and
> B_VACATION_ORIG commands
> - fixing bc_eval to be able to execute both B_VACATION and
> B_VACATION_ORIG commands.
> Със здраве
> Дилян

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