commit "mboxevent: Rewrite JSON formatting"
Sébastien Michel
sebastien.michel at
Tue Aug 14 13:07:18 EDT 2012
2012/8/14 Дилян Палаузов <dilyan.palauzov at>:
> lib/parseaddr.c is used within libcyrus_sieve and imap/, so having it in the
> common library libcyrus seems logical. I do not know, why iostat.c is part
> of libcyrus.
> If nobody else expresses opinion, whether to put xjson in libcyrus or
> libcyrus_imap, it is up to you. I just told you my opinion.
Your opinion is valuable and I thank you for your responses.
I just want to understand more and doing things properly. I'
> I have no opinion about the minimal required version for json.
I would say the minimal version of pkg-config.
Indeed, version 0.24 or greater is required in order to avoid the
duplicate AC_SUBST macro calls for PKG_CHECK_MODULES substitutions.
This version is available since May 2010.
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