Todo lists, 2.4.11 and 2.5 preview

Greg Banks gnb at
Tue Aug 9 05:47:48 EDT 2011

On 09/08/11 19:26, Sébastien Michel wrote:
>>>   Is this the
>>> future Cyrus framework for functionnal testing ?
>> That's my hope and my intention.  Plus, we have nothing else that does
>> Cyrus-specific testing.
>> Please let me know if you have any problems or feedback about Cassandane.
> The major issue to test the event notification feature is to plug in
> both Cassandane and notifyd together to check notification results.
> Two ways are available :
> 1) add the support of notifyd daemon in Cassandane and try to deal
> with it (today available connectors are 'mailto', 'log', 'zephyr' and
> 'external'). Cassandane suite test must receive the notifications in
> some way. May be a new notifyd connector will be helpful

I would hope that Cassandane would want to test all the existing notifyd 
connectors eventually; so adding a new connector just for Cassandane 
seems unhelpful.  For your immediate purposes the easiest thing to do 
might be to use 'external' with a small program which you add to 
Cassandane which just logs the notifications to some place that the 
Cassandane tests can read them.  Or perhaps use 'log' and figure out 
some *reliable* way of harvesting syslog messages.

> 2) Don't register a new notifyd daemon in cyrus.conf from Cassandane,
> but let the suite test listening to a UNIX socket like notifyd. Each
> event send by Cyrus will be received directly by the event
> notification suite test (read on the socket should be nonblocking)
> which one do you prefer ?

Cassandane is designed as a system test, to exercise the "external" 
interfaces to Cyrus.  In other words, it's intended not to replace 
components of Cyrus but to run them in specific legal ways and see that 
they don't fail.   I'm not so familiar with notifyd, but if the protocol 
spoken on that socket is a defined external interface to Cyrus which is 
intended to be spoken by software not part of Cyrus itself, then it 
should be tested by Cassandane; and if it's an internal protocol spoken 
only between components of Cassandane then it shouldn't be tested by 

> And Perl is not my cup of tea but I may make an effort :)

Good luck.


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