Todo lists, 2.4.11 and 2.5 preview

Greg Banks gnb at
Mon Aug 8 22:37:38 EDT 2011

On 08/08/11 19:45, Sébastien Michel wrote:
> I still have some finishing work : JSON default format, some testing
> on IMAP7 folder name, provide a new connector to notifyd (stomp?,
> AMQP?) and may be support more event types.
> I will push soon the code in our github clone of cyrus master.
> Sébastien
> PS: I thought to write regression tests with Cassandane.

I would be greatly pleased if you did that :)

>   Is this the
> future Cyrus framework for functionnal testing ?

That's my hope and my intention.  Plus, we have nothing else that does 
Cyrus-specific testing.

Please let me know if you have any problems or feedback about Cassandane.


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