SASL lib 2.1.24
Torsten Schlabach
TSchlabach at
Wed Apr 6 12:19:25 EDT 2011
> I would appreciate opinions on which bugs/patches people consider to be
> important.
My favourite (and I think I also speak for Dan White who made this patch) is:
Without that one, the build fails on compile if you do
configure --enable-ldap
which is what the Debian and Ubuntu package build does.
I guess many of you just don't do --enable-ldap? Otherwise everybody must have stumbled over that, right?
Unfortunately I had the following problem with that patch:
1. Applying it to the tarball - fine.
2. Applying it to the Debian package source - still didn't work. So I did some more hacking.
Talking Debian:
Right now the Debian package has 20+ patches applied to the original source.
Some of them are Debian specific, so that's fine. But I am sure not all of them are. So it would also be a nice task to see which of these patches make sense and should go into the package and which of them have been obsoleted anyway in the meanwhile but just don't apply properly any more due to code changes.
I know my comments are not very actionable, but sometimes I just loose track on what's my fault and what's a problem in the code. So prior to blaming anyone, I will rather double-check. But I will take the time and come back to the problems I found and report them properly.
Would it be good practise to file a bug for each problem?
One thing I found regarding gs2:
I didn't see an --enable-gs2 / --disbale-gs2 option in the help output of configure. I haven't tested if it would work or not, but I *think* I tried to build my package with --disbale-gs2 and it did *not* get me around.
Please stay tuned for details; I need to re-test that tomorrow, but the working day is pretty much over in this part of the world.
Talking about the release number:
As there has never been a 2.1.24 and I think few people ever cared about 2.1.24rc1, why would we jump to 2.1.25?
The other question is: What's the rule to jump from 2.1.x to 2.2? What was the trigger to jump from 1.x to 2.x?
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 13:12:02 +0100
> Von: Alexey Melnikov <alexey.melnikov at>
> An: Torsten Schlabach <TSchlabach at>
> CC: cyrus-devel at
> Betreff: Re: SASL lib 2.1.24
> Torsten Schlabach wrote:
> >Hi!
> >
> >
> Hi Torsten,
> >In the meanwhile I managed to find some hacks to make the whole thing
> build.
> >
> >But the question remains:
> >
> >Is anyone still interested in active development of the SASL lib?
> >
> Yes.
> >I mean, the 2.1.24rc1 is getting some 20 month old and there is neither
> an RC2 nor a release. Also some problems have been discussed on the ML and
> some patches are hanging around in Bugzilla, which are not committed to CVS.
> >
> >
> I would appreciate opinions on which bugs/patches people consider to be
> important. To be honest I was a bit distracted recently by my day job
> and other activities.
> >So would there be anyone willing to support an RC2 and a release anytime
> soon? I would volunteer for some efforts on my end in terms of applying
> patches, doing tests and also with regards to Debian patching. But without the
> support of the people who own the thing and have write access to CVS there
> will be no results possible.
> >
> >
> Great, I will talk to you offline.
> >Any comments anyone?
> >
> >Regards,
> >Torsten
> >
> >
> Best Regards,
> Alexey
> --
> Internet Messaging Team Lead, <>
> JID: same as my email address
> twitter: aamelnikov
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