Putting cyrus-future code in CVS. Also, code style

Wesley Craig wes at umich.edu
Mon Jun 28 20:55:57 EDT 2010

On 28 Jun 2010, at 18:21, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> Parantheses cuddle close

This is not how I write C (as you know...), tho I recognize that the  
majority of Cyrus is written this way.  I also "over space"  
statements like:


because I've been burned trying to find cases where I meant the above  
but had written:


> * braces are optional if meaning is clear
>   if (foo)
>     function();
>   else
>     other_function();

Personally, I always include the brace, with the exception of one- 
liners, e.g.:

	if ( foo ) goto blah;

and other one-liners. I've debugged many instances of (to use your  

     if (foo)

which can be very hard to find, but reads nicely.

> * goto is permitted within a function only

As opposed to long jump?  My rule for thumb for goto's is:

	1) to the end of a function for cleanup
	2) occasionally, to the top of a loop, but only if using another  
control structure is *less* clear

> Anything else anyone want to add?

Lots, I'm sure, but nothing that would cause me to review the body of  
Cyrus code and re-style it.

> * use "const char *" where possible.

While this is a fine idea, I don't think it's well practiced in the  
Cyrus code base.  Moving in this direction, over time, as code is  
touched, is a nice idea.

> * RAII where possible.

Since C has no such concept, I assume you mean "goto (maybe several)  
the end(s) of a function and clean up"?  Or are you thinking of  
constructor/destructor class stuff?  Neither of these is well  
practices in the Cyrus code base.


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