expire 2.4.5 on replica?

Bron Gondwana brong at fastmail.fm
Thu Dec 2 06:31:40 EST 2010

On Thu, Dec 02, 2010 at 11:35:16AM +0100, Rudy Gevaert wrote:
> With the recent changes in 2.4.X it isn't clear to me if I need to
> run cyr_expire (to expunge mails) on the replica too.

Yes, you do still need to run cyr_expire to clean up expunged
messages.  Not so sure about deleted mailboxes.  In fact, that's
probably slightly bogus still.

The tricky part is - I'd like to not lose messages that were
delivered just before the mailbox got deleted... hmm.

It won't hurt of course - just might cause a slight extra amount
of IO between the machines if a sync_client -u gets run on that
user at the same time the mailboxes are being deleted.
> Now I am running
>   delprune      cmd="/usr/cyrus-2.4.4/bin/cyr_expire -C
> /etc/cyrus-ugent/conf/mail8/imapd.conf -D 8 -E 8 -X 8" at=0400
> on master and replica...

That looks reasonable.  You might want to run with '-a' on the
replica just to be sure that annotations don't cause both ends
to purge messages.


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