Postfix Routing & Cyrus Virtdomains

Pedro Algarvio ufs at
Mon Jun 12 19:46:51 EDT 2006

With cyrus vitualdomain feature, cyrus accepts mail to be delivered
via lmtp to user at foo. sadly postfix doesnt want to deliver to user at foo
in virtual domain mode because he routes mail like user at foo@backend.
Can cyrus also accept user%foo ? is there maybe some hack out?

Also where can we find info on using cyrus experimental ldap support?

Pedro Algarvio
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|:  1   |    |:  1   |                             |_____|
|::.. . |    |::.. . |  ufs [AT] ufsoft [DOT] org
`-------'    `-------'    ufs [AT] sapo [DOT] pt

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