[CMUBDC] Ballroom Dance Club - Week of September 12th

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Sun Sep 11 22:32:06 EDT 2022

Hello ballroom friends,

Our weekly lessons for the Fall semester start this week! For beginner
dancers, we highly recommend that you attend both the professionally-taught
and student-taught beginner lessons (highlighted in blue on the schedule
below), and also come to rounds in-between to practice what you learn! The
Swing and Bachata lessons are also great for beginners.

The first two lessons each semester are free, but we will be taking payment
for the lessons starting this week. We accept either cash or check (payable
to Carnegie Mellon University). The price is $40 for students and $90 for
non-students, and this payment covers all lessons for the Fall semester. If
you haven’t already, please also fill out the form at cmubdc.com/join.

We also have two upcoming events specifically designed for beginner dancers


   Newcomer Bootcamp (Saturday, September 17)*:* During this “bootcamp”,
   we’ll give brief introductory lessons in a variety of different styles to
   get you acquainted with as many as possible!

   Mock Comp (Saturday, September 24): Mock Comp is a fun, low-pressure
   mini-competition we hold at CMU every year so that new dancers can get a
   taste of what ballroom competitions are like. If you’re at all curious
   about competing in ballroom dance, we highly encourage you to check it out!
   You can sign up to participate here

For veteran dancers:


   If you’re willing to volunteer at Mock Comp, please fill out this form

   If you’re willing to teach lessons this semester, please fill out this
   form <https://forms.gle/wYp8RiUemu19eANP9>!

Finally, we will be holding elections to fill the vacant officer positions
on the board! To run for a position, please fill out this application
<https://forms.gle/RYjShtWJqdHuQGXH9> and email your campaign video to
McKenzie (mckenziv at andrew.cmu.edu) by Saturday, September 17.

Weekly Lessons Schedule

Monday, September 12 (CUC - Rangos 1/2/3)

        5:20 - 5:55 PM        Intermediate 2 Standard

        5:55 - 6:25 PM        Intermediate American Smooth

        6:25 - 7:00 PM        Intermediate 1 Standard

        7:00 - 7:35 PM        Advanced Standard

        7:35 - 8:05 PM        Beginner Standard Professional Lesson

        8:05 - 8:20 PM        Standard Rounds

        8:20 - 9:00 PM        Beginner American Waltz Lesson

        9:00 - 9:30 PM        Social Dancing

        9:30 - 10:30 PM      Beginner Swing Lesson

Wednesday, September 14 (CUC - Peter/Wright/McKenna)

        5:20 - 5:55 PM        Intermediate 2 Latin

        5:55 - 6:25 PM        Intermediate American Rhythm

        6:25 - 7:00 PM        Intermediate 1 Latin

        7:00 - 7:35 PM        Advanced Latin

        7:35 - 8:05 PM        Beginner Latin Professional Lesson

        8:05 - 8:20 PM        Latin Rounds

        8:20 - 9:00 PM        Beginner American Rumba Lesson

        9:00 - 9:30 PM        Social Dancing

        9:30 - 10:30 PM      Beginner Bachata Lesson

Weekly Practice Space


   Friday, September 16 @ 5:00-7:00 PM (5th and Clyde Dance/Wellness Room)

   Friday, September 16 @ 6:30-8:00 PM (Morewood Gardens Multipurpose Room)

   Sunday, September 18 @ 12:00-2:00 PM (5th and Clyde Dance/Wellness Room)

Upcoming Events


   Newcomer Bootcamp: Saturday, September 17 @ 11:00 AM-3:00 PM (CUC -
   Rangos 3)

   Mock Comp: Saturday, September 24 @ 10:00 AM (CUC - Rangos 1/2/3)

      All dancers: Sign up to compete here
      (due Monday, September 19)

      Veteran dancers: Sign up to volunteer here

   OSU Competition: October 7-8

      Individual commitment form <https://forms.gle/24LNNq899uTxAysb6> (due
      Monday, September 26)

      Partnership registration form <https://forms.gle/4Hj4XaYGXuN2iUze6>
      (due Monday, September 26)

Happy dancing,

Your CMUBDC officers

McKenzie, Jamie, Sasha, Abby, Fa, Eleanor, Steven, Brenna
https://linktr.ee/cmubdtcmuballroom at gmail.com
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