CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Aug 27 14:50:08 EDT 2021

Dear Ballroom Dance Club,
Apologies for not getting around to this email sooner. We are a bit short
staffed this year as a club, but I am elated to announce that rush is back
and it is happening and it is in person. Masks are required, but you need
not be a CMU student to attend.

Two nights of rush will occur, on Monday and Wednesday of this coming week,
starting at 7pm. Rush is going to look a little different this year due to
having to creatively deal with capacity limits. Rangos will be split into 3
parts, each with a 50 person limit, and Rush will be occurring concurrently
in each of the 3 rooms.

Here are the Facebook events for it.


Please message me if you are a veteran planning to attend or if you have
any questions; we honestly do not know how many veterans are still in the
Pittsburgh area and coming back this year, so a heads up will help us a
lot. Also, if you have the desire to volunteer, we could really use the
help to make this event happen.

Lots of love to all of y'all. Hope to see you soon.
Matías Jonsson
B.S. Physics, Computational track
Additional Major Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University 2022
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