[CMUBDC] Lessons Feedback Form + More Info

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Mon May 4 05:00:00 EDT 2020

Hi Ballroom friends~

We would love to hear about your feedback for this past semester's lessons
and what we can do to improve them in the future. Please fill out the
lessons feedback survey *here* <https://forms.gle/cruuPhwmfY3eSDCK9>.

This will also be the last week of Ballroom Hangouts, but Christine's
Workshops will be continuing for as long as there is interest!

Thanks, and good luck on finals!
Marie Ivantechenko
CMU BDC Secretary

Email: cmuballroom at gmail.com
Visit us at cmubdc.org and on The Bridge
CMU BDC - "Building a community of dancers."
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