[CMUBDC] Ballroom Events Cancelled for the Rest of Semester

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Mar 16 17:08:05 EDT 2020

Hello Ballroom friends,

It's Monday, March 16, 2020, and I have new information for all of you, so
I am sending it out as promised. (The Board met, *virtually*, of course)

In accordance with CMU's response to the COVID-19 virus, we are *cancelling
all future lessons, socials, practices, and Scotch Ball* as well, for the
rest of the semester.

We are also *postponing elections* to *Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 6:30 PM*.
This is will be a virtual election, likely to be hosted on Zoom (for
technical support: see here
We will be sending out more details on this soon. However, all members of
the club are eligible to vote, so please make sure to do so when the time
comes around!

Since both NDCD and Scotch Ball have been cancelled, there has been a
question of *refunds*. We are waiting to hear back from the student
government on how to handle this, but once we get this information, we will
be sure to let you all know.

In other news, we have updated our Constitution
and Code of Conduct
Please be sure to look these over and let us know if you have any
questions. They will both be ratified at our next board meeting.

We ask that everyone please be patient since this has been an unprecedented
and frankly annoying situation for us all. Please practice good hygiene and
stay healthy!

Happy Virtual Dancing!
Emma Barake
CMU BDC Secretary

Email: cmuballroom at gmail.com
Visit us at cmubdc.org and on The Bridge
CMU BDC - "Building a community of dancers.
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