[CMUBDC] Fwd: Ballroom Lessons - Week of 10/28

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Oct 28 15:19:40 EDT 2019

Hi all,

Unfortunately, Adam cannot teach bachata today at 9:30PM. However, instead
we will be having an impromptu bachata social! Please join us if you can!

Happy Dancing,
Emma Barake
CMU BDC Secretary

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: CMU Ballroom Dance Club <ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu>
Date: Mon, Oct 28, 2019, 4:03 AM
Subject: [CMUBDC] Ballroom Lessons - Week of 10/28
To: <ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu>

Hello Ballroom friends,

We had our first comp of the season this past weekend. Thanks to all those
who came to Keystone! Our next comp is DCDI, for which registration is now
closed. (Please pay McKenzie ASAP if you have not already done so.)

We have a *Halloween Social* 🎃 coming up* this Friday *at *7:00PM*! Please
see the Upcoming Events section for more details.

Qi and Kye are hosting a* dumpling making* event on *11/2*! That's *this
Saturday*! Please join us if you are available! See the Upcoming Events
section for more details! (Lots of !)

The Committe Application Form <https://forms.gle/bcaTCHm4VULXA3jf7> is
still *open* if you are interested in joining a *committee* this semester.
Please see the form for more details

*Dress Code Reminder*: Out of respect for our instructors, we ask that you
please wear the appropriate clothing. This consists of easy to move in
clothing for beginners, and proper dance attire for veterans. If you have
any questions regarding this, please do hesitate to ask us!

Weekly Lessons Schedule:
Lessons Schedule Spreadsheet
*Monday, Oct 28*

5:15 PM Gold Standard (UC - Rangos 1/2/3)

5:45 PM Intermediate 3 Standard (UC - Rangos 1/2/3)

6:15 PM Intermediate 2 Standard (UC - Rangos 1/2/3)

6:45 PM Intermediate 1 Standard (UC - Rangos 1/2/3)

7:15 PM *Rounds* (UC - Rangos 1/2/3)

7:30 PM Beginner Standard Professional Lesson* (UC - Rangos 1/2/3)

8:00 PM Beginner American Waltz* (UC - Rangos 1/2/3)

8:45 PM Beginner Salsa* (UC - Rangos 1/2/3)

9:30 PM Bachata w/ Adam* (UC - Rangos 1/2/3)

*Wednesday, Oct 30*

5:15 PM Gold Latin (UC - Connan)

5:45 PM Intermediate 3 Latin (UC -Connan)

6:15 PM Intermediate 2 Latin (UC - Connan)

6:45 PM Intermediate 1 Latin (UC - Connan)

7:15 PM *Rounds* (UC - Rangos 2/3)

7:30 PM Beginner Latin Professional Lesson* (UC - Rangos 2/3)

8:00 PM Beginner American Swing* (UC - Rangos 2/3)

8:45 PM Beginner International Rumba* (UC - Rangos 2/3)

9:30 PM Salsa w/ Adam* (UC - Rangos 2/3)

*Friday, Nov 2*

4:00PM - 6:00PM Open Floor (Morewood Towers Practice Space)

* Beginner dancers, if you are joining us for the first time, these lessons
are great for you! Salsa/Bachata are also great for beginner lessons. All
classes are open to both students and non-students. For *pricing,* please
see our website: cmubdc.org/lessons

Upcoming Events and Announcements:

CMU BDC has the Board which is the main governing body of the club, but we
also have *committes*. If you would like to find out more about* how the
club is run*, and *contribute*, please come talk to any of the board
members for more information. *Everyone is welcome* to join committees
regardless of year or CMU affiliation. A sigh-up form will be coming out
very soon.

*Halloween Social *🎃 (Friday, November 1: 7:00PM - 11:00PM, UC - Rangos):

BOO!!!!! Dress up for a night of dancing with the CMU Ballroom Dance Club.
We hope to see some witches waltzing across the floor and a cheerleader
doing the cha cha! Join us in Rangos on Friday November 1st for a spooky
night of dance!!
*Pricing: Free for students with a valid student ID; $5 for non-students*

*Dumpling Making Party* (Saturday, November 2: 3:30PM - 9:30PM, Kye and
Qi's House):

*We are gonna make dumplings!!!!!!!!* *After practice* on Saturday, a group
will be heading to the Strip to *buy supplies*. Afterwards we will be *making
dumplings* at Kye and Qi's.* If you don't know how, don't worry!* It's
super fun and easy, and a great way to hang with friends. Please join us if
you can!

Important Links
Competition Links:


Calendar Links:

Lessons Schedule Spreadsheet

CMU Ballroom General Calendar

CMU Salsa/Bachata

CMU Beginner/Newcomer
CMU Gold/Intermediate
CMU Competition Team
CMU Events

Form Links

Join Form <http://cmubdc.org/join>
Committe Application Form <https://forms.gle/bcaTCHm4VULXA3jf7>

Other Links:

Suggested Dancewear Resource

10/19 Board Meeting Summary

10/5 Board Meeting Summary

9/22 Board Meeting Summary

Happy Dancing! 💃
Emma Barake
CMU BDC Secretary

Email: cmuballroom at gmail.com
Visit us at cmubdc.org and on The Bridge
CMUBDC - "Building a community of dancers"
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