[CMUBDC] Ballroom Workshop at Purdue!

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Fri May 10 18:11:58 EDT 2019

Hello Ballroom friends!

I hope you are enjoying the rainy weather we have been getting! A reminder
that* summer lessons* start* this Monday, May 13, 2019* at* 7PM* in* Rangos

Also, Lindsey Wilson, the captain of the Purdue Latin and Ballroom Dance
Team, has invited out CMU BDC members to join their *summer standard and
smooth workshop* on *May 25, 2019, 1PM to 5PM* at* Purdue University.*

There will be lessons for *pre-bronze (newcomer) through gold levels*
taught by *Gert and Kirsti Roslender* from the Aurelia Dance Studio. The
cost will be *$40 per dancer*, and will take place at *Purdue University's
Stewart Center, room 302*. The address is below:

Stewart Center Address:

128 Memorial Mall,

West Lafayette, IN 47907

Afterwards, the Purdue team will be having a team *dinner* at the Blue
Nile, a Mediterranean restaurant, where they have invited us to join them.

*Please Note*: The CMU BDC is *not* subsidizing this trip, so
transportation must be figured out by those interested themselves. However,
the Purdue team has offered *overnight housing *if needed. Please contact*
secretary at purdueballroom.org <secretary at purdueballroom.org>* with your
contact information if you do need overnight housing.

Facebook Event Link:

Happy Dancing!
Emma Barake
CMU BDC Secretary

Email: cmuballroom at gmail.com
Visit us at cmubdc.org and on The Bridge
CMUBDC  - "Building a community of dancers."
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