[CMUBDC] Ballroom Lessons - Week of 4/23

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Sun Apr 22 21:13:02 EDT 2018

 Hello Ballroom Friends,

We have an exciting week ahead with our *Annual Spring Showcase* and
*Brazilian Zouk Dance Workshop. *
*This is also the last week of the spring semester beginner lessons. Make
sure you c*
*ome join us for these events! *

* Please note: the showcase will take place instead of beginner lessons
(8:00-9:30 pm) on Wed., April 25.  *

*Weekly Lessons Schedule*

*Monday, April 25*

5:30 PM  Gold Standard (*UC - Peter/Wright/McKenna*)
6:00 PM  Intermediate 3 Standard (*UC - Peter/Wright/McKenna*)
6:30 PM  Intermediate 2 Standard (*UC - Peter/Wright/McKenna*)
7:00 PM  Intermediate 1 Standard (*UC - Peter/Wright/McKenna*)
7:30 PM  Newcomer Standard* (*UC -* *Peter/Wright/Mckenna*)
8:00 PM  Beginner International Quickstep* (*UC -* *Peter/Wright/Mckenna*)
8:45 PM  Beginner American Swing* (*UC -* *Peter/Wright/Mckenna*)
9:30 PM  Bachata*  (*UC - Peter/Wright/Mckenna*)

*Wednesday, April 18*

5:30 PM  Gold Latin (*UC - Peter/Wright/McKenna*)
6:00 PM  Intermediate 3 Latin (*UC -* *Peter/Wright/McKenna*)
6:30 PM  Intermediate 2 Latin (*UC -* *Peter/Wright/McKenna*)
7:00 PM  Intermediate 1 Latin (*UC -* *Peter/Wright/McKenna*)
7:30 PM  Newcomer Latin* (*UC -* *Peter/Wright/Mckenna*)
9:30 PM  Salsa* (*UC - Peter/Wright/Mckenna*)

**If you are joining us for the first time or new to dancing, the Newcomer
and Beginner Lessons are both perfect for you!*Salsa/Bachata are also great
options for new members!All classes are open to both students and
non-students.Check out our full semester lessons and events calendar
<http://www.cmubdc.org/lessons/calendar/>.Pricing:Beginner dancers: We
recommend you attend both the professionally taught newcomer lessons and
the student taught beginner lessons. Lessons for the rest of the semester
are only $15 for students and $25 for non-students!Upcoming Events and

*Spring Showcase (Wed., April 25 @ 8 PM - McConomy Auditorium)*

Please come watch some great performances and choreographies from the
members of our team! Email Daphne Lee *daphnel at andrew.cmu.edu
<daphnel at andrew.cmu.edu>* if you have any questions.

*Brazilian Zouk Dance Workshop (Sat., April 28 @ 12:30 PM - Activities

*One of our past presidents, Tetyana Dolotova, will teach a special
workshop for Zouk. This will be a free workshop, so come for this exciting

*Summer Lesson Interest Form*

* Are you around Pittsburgh this summer and looking for fun activities to
be part of? Summer club lessons are offered from May 14th through August
8th, Mon. and Wed. 7:00-8:30 pm. Please fill out this form
indicate your interest and get updates on the classes! *

*Scotch Ball Feedback Form*

Please fill out this form
if you were at Scotch Ball this year. Your feedback is greatly appreciated
and will be used to help create a better Scotch Ball next year.

*Happy Dancing,Pari GhiniCMUBDC SecretaryEmail: CMUBallroom at gmail.com
<CMUBallroom at gmail.com>Visit us at cmubdc.org <http://cmubdc.org/> and
on The Bridge <https://thebridge.cmu.edu/organization/CMUBDC>CMUBDC -
"Building a community of dancers." *
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