[CMUBDC] Ballroom Dance Week of 2/27

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Feb 27 11:38:03 EST 2017

Hello Ballroom Friends,

Tonight is a new rotation of beginner lessons! If you were worried that you
missed some lessons during the last rotation, here's your chance to pick up
some new moves!

Please see below for this week's schedule:

*Monday 2/27 (Rangos 1/2/3)*
5:00 Set up
5:30 Gold Standard
6:00 Intermediate 3 Standard
6:30 Intermediate 2 Standard
7:00 Intermediate 1 Standard
*7:30 Newcomer Professional Standard*
*8:00 Beginner American Foxtrot*
*8:45 Beginner Samba*
9:30 Bachata

*Wednesday 3/1 (Rangos 2/3 + Rangos 1 @ 6:00pm)*
5:00 Set up
5:30 Gold Latin
6:00 Intermediate 3 Latin
6:30 Intermediate 2 Latin
7:00 Intermediate 1 Latin
*7:30 Newcomer Professional Latin*
*8:00 Beginner Waltz*
*8:45 Beginner Swing/Jive*
9:30 Salsa

Friday 3/3 (Morewood Multipurpose Room)
4:00 - 6:00 Open Floor

Happy dancing and see you tonight!

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