[CMUBDC] Spring Showcase Sign-up & Host Club Volunteer Needed!

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Sat Apr 15 09:19:04 EDT 2017

Hello Ballroom Friends!

There are two exciting events coming up as the end of year approaches.

Spring Showcase *(Mon, May 1)*
It's that time of the year where you get to show off what you've learned in
the past year! This showcase is informal and we encourage everyone to sign
up, any dance style is welcome :) Please fill out this form
by 4/23 if you're interested.

Host Club w/ Cosplay Club *(Tue, Apr 25)*
Fill out this form
if you would like to participate in Cosplay at CMU and CMU Ballroom Dance
Club's joint event on Tuesday, April 25th in Rangos Ballroom! We will be
holding a cafe style event, in which guests can interact with "hosts" from
both clubs while enjoying a full meal, complimentary ballroom lessons, and
a showcase featuring CMUBDC dancers!

Shoot us any questions you may have, and hope to see you at the events!

Happy Dancing,
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