[CMUBDC] Lessons Tonight and Wednesday and Elections

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Mar 14 10:09:29 EDT 2016

Hi Everyone!

Welcome new members to the CMU Ballroom Dance Club! *Please bring your
membership cards if you paid already.*

*You don't need prior dance experience.* There are only a few people on our
team with previous experience. Everyone else started out with two left
feet. (Remember, it's free, experience, practice time, and competitions are
not required, it's a learn at your own pace, and there are no cuts.)

*If you prefer notifications by Facebook, *there is the official group for
the CMU Ballroom Dance Club:

*Here is our website:* http://www.cmubdc.org/ for a calendar schedule and
lessons pricing list.

1. Lessons Schedule
2. Elections this Wednesday

1. Lessons Schedule

Dress code is casual and comfortable shoes are recommended. You don't need
any experience or a partner, and most of us started with two left feet! I
think you will find out that dancing isn't as hard as you think; you just
have to be brave enough to take the first step. Also, feel free to ask the
co teachers or comp team members any questions you have.

*Monday 3/14 (Rangos)*
5:00 Open Floor
5:30 Gold Standard
6:00 Intermediate 3 Standard
6:30 Intermediate 2 Standard
7:00 Intermediate 1 Standard
*7:30 Newcomer Standard*
*8:00 Beginner American Foxtrot*
*8:45 Beginner American Rumba*
9:30 Bachata
10:15 Standard Rounds

*Wednesday 3/16 (Rangos)*
5:00 Open Floor
5:30 Gold Latin
6:00 Intermediate 3 Latin
6:30 Intermediate 2 Latin
7:00 Intermediate 1 Latin
*7:30 Newcomer Latin*
*8:00 Beginner Swing*
*8:45 Beginner Waltz*
9:30 Salsa
10:15 Latin Rounds

2. Elections Wednesday

Our elections for board are this Wednesday! If you are interested in
running please follow the directions below. (Only two people are running so
far. We have 11 officer positions.) If you care about the direction of the
club and team, I encourage you to join us at elections and vote. Elections
will take place on *Wednesday, March 16, at 9:30 PM in McConomy auditorium
(first floor of the UC), but the location is subjected to change*. If
McConomy is unavailable, elections will be held in *CUC Danforth.*

Forwarded from President Nancy
Hello all,

The time has come for us to elect the executive board for the 2016-2017
school year. Whether or not you are thinking of running for a position,
please do attend the election to help us decide the fate of the world!
(Because ballroom is love, ballroom is life)

If you want to apply for an officer position, applications will be accepted
until *Wednesday, March 16, at 12:00 PM (noon). *The attached officer's
application includes the elections structure. Attached is another updated
document detailing the duties of each position. The newly elected officers
will be "in training" during the remainder of the spring semester.

Elections will take place on *Wednesday, March 16, at 9:30 PM in McConomy
auditorium (first floor of the UC), but the location is subjected to change*.
If McConomy is unavailable, elections will be held in *CUC Danforth.*

All membership card holders are eligible to run for office, attend the
elections, and/or cast their vote. Officers are responsible for deciding on
all aspects of club function including but not limited to lessons offered,
instructors hired, fees charged, events organized, and competitions
participated in. As an officer, you have a large amount of influence over
what happens to the club and team!

Come to elections and cast your vote for the individuals you think would be
the most qualified to make these decisions to benefit all of you!

Happy dancing,

Nancy Wei
CMU BDC President

Hope to see you tonight!

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