[CMUBDC] Lessons Tonight and Wednesday

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Jan 25 09:49:50 EST 2016

Hi Everyone!

Welcome new members to the CMU Ballroom Dance Club! Our semester long
lessons begin tonight! Please come in 15-10 min early to get registered and
purchase membership. Membership includes unlimited classes for the classes

1. Lessons Schedule
*2. *Memberships Available and Pricings
3. Competition Team on the Weekends

1. Lessons Schedule

Dress code is casual and comfortable shoes are recommended. You don't need
any experience or a partner, and most of us started with two left feet! I
think you will find out that dancing isn't as hard as you think; you just
have to be brave enough to take the first step. Also, feel free to ask the
co teachers or comp team members any questions you have.

*Monday 1/15 (Rangos)*
5:00 Open Floor
5:30 Gold Standard
6:00 Intermediate 3 Standard
6:30 Intermediate 2 Standard
7:00 Intermediate 1 Standard
*7:30 Newcomer Standard*
*8:00 Beginner Merenge*
*8:45 Beginner Tango*
9:30 Bachata
10:15 Standard Rounds

*Wednesday 1/27 (Rangos)*
5:00 Open Floor
5:30 Gold Latin
6:00 Intermediate 3 Latin
6:30 Intermediate 2 Latin
7:00 Intermediate 1 Latin
*7:30 Newcomer Latin*
*8:00 Beginner International Rumba*
*8:45 Beginner Hustle*
9:30 Salsa
10:15 Latin Rounds

2. Memberships Available and Pricings

The ballroom memberships are for the ballroom dance classes, and the
beginner lessons alternate dances every few weeks.

Ballroom beginner lessons only: Students $30, Non-students $40
Ballroom beginner package (beginner+newcomer professional): Students $35,
Non-students $45

The Social Salsa and Bachata lessons are taught by a professional, and
membership is separate from the ballroom membership.

Social Salsa: $20
Social Bachata: $20
Salsa/Bachata package: $30

For more info on lessons, cost of individual drop in classes, the calendar
for the semester and more, please visit our website at www.cmubdc.org.

3. Competition Team on the Weekends

Shout out to everyone who joined the competition team practices this
weekend! We are all sure excited to have you for this semester. If you are
interested in joining competition team, we will have more lessons geared
towards newcomers/beginners this weekend. No prior experience or a partner
required! The number of hours for practice and the competitions you go to
are up to you!

We meet in CUC Activities Room, 1:30 pm on Saturday and 12:30 pm on Sunday.
For more information or to be added to the competition team emailing list,
stop by the desk tonight or send me an email.

Hope to see you tonight!

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