[CMUBDC] Fwd: Lessons 11/23 and 11/24 MONDAY AND TUESDAY

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Nov 23 13:28:44 EST 2015

Hello Everyone!

Small mistake in the first email. *We have lessons today and tomorrow
(Tuesday), and there is no salsa.*

*Monday 11/23 (Rangos)*
5:00 Open Floor
5:30 Gold Standard
6:00 Intermediate 3 Standard
6:30 Intermediate 2 Standard
7:00 Intermediate 1 Standard
*7:30 Newcomer (Professionally Taught) Standard*
*8:00 Beginner Quickstep*
*8:45 Beginner Samba*
*9:30* *Social Intermediate International Rumba*
10:00 Open Floor

*Tuesday 11/24 (Connan)*
5:00 Open Floor
5:30 Gold Latin
6:00 Intermediate 3 Latin
6:30 Intermediate 2 Latin
7:00 Intermediate 1 Latin
*7:30 Newcomer **(Professionally Taught)** Latin*
*8:00 Beginner 1 American Rumba*
*8:45 Beginner Swing*
9:30 Salsa CANCELED
10:00 Open Floor

Hope to see you there!

*We have lessons today and tomorrow (Tuesday), and there is no salsa.*



Carnegie Mellon SASE External Committee
B.S. in Chemistry
Carnegie Mellon University, 2017
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