[CMUBDC] Ballroom Lessons

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Sat Sep 13 23:19:21 EDT 2014

Hello everyone,

This is the schedule for next week's lessons. Unfortunately due to the TOC,
we do not have space for professional lessons on Monday or any lessons on
Wednesday. Sorry guys :(

*Monday 9/15*
*ROOM CHANGE: CONNAN *(First floor on the University Center, right under
Rangos Ballroom)
5:00 DWTS practice space (Morewood Multipurpose room)
*7:30 Beginner 2 Merengue*
*8:15 Beginner 1 Tango*
9:00 Intermediate I Jive/Samba
        Intermediate II Tango/Foxtrot

*Wednesday 9/17*

Please remember to pay for memberships if you haven't
Visit *http://www.cmubdc.org/lessons/lessons/
<http://www.cmubdc.org/lessons/lessons/>* for pricing and further details

For more dancing, check out our calendar for events and more lessons
throughout Pittsburgh http://www.cmubdc.org/lessons/calendar/

Optimist: someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a
step forward is not a disaster, it's a cha-cha. ~Robert Brault

Tiffany Tse
Carnegie Mellon University, Class of 2016
B.S in Decision Science, Minors in Business Administration, Psychology,
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