Professional Lesson Eligibility

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at
Wed Oct 10 02:26:49 EDT 2012

Dear members,

In an effort to maximize the benefits of our professionally-taught lessons, we will be enforcing eligibility rules as follows, effective Wednesday, October 10:

1) Each person may only take ONE professional lesson (Silver OR Bronze OR Newcomer). *If you have paid for two levels for the semester, you will get a refund.* You are welcome to watch/listen to other lessons, but you may only participate in one.

2) Mixed-level couples will need to take the level for which BOTH people are

3) You can be at different levels in Latin and Standard, but will only need to
pay for one (the higher-costing one).4) You may not move up a level until the following semester.
5) To be eligible for a certain level, you must either: (a) be competing at that level in the current semester, or (b) try out with the instructor at the
very beginning of the class. If the instructor believes that the level is not
appropriate for you, you will be asked to step a level down.6) Anybody can attend the Newcomer lessons (as long as it's the only level you take).

We believe that this
breakdown will increase the efficiency and quality of the lessons, thus
providing dancers in each level the most benefits.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.



Tetyana Dolotova

President, CMUBDC

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