Special Mini-Social + Wednesday Lessons

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Feb 28 15:24:51 EST 2012

Hello Dancers!

See below for information about our **SPECIAL Mini-Social** tomorrow!

Lessons are in Rangos, as follows:

5.30p Silver Standard (tryout required)
6.15p Bronze Standard (tryout required)
7.00p Newcomer Standard (technique)
7.30p Intermediate Jitterbug
8.30p Beginner American Waltz
9.30p **SPECIAL Mini-Social**

==Special Event==

Special News!!

This Wednesday we will be holding a completely free **Social Dance**
during the regularly scheduled Open Floor time! Officers, teachers,
and our advanced members will be circulating the floor, looking for
someone to dance with! So whether you want to brush up on a step,
learn something new, or take someone you've never met for a twirl
around the room, grab your shoes, grab a partner, and get dancing!

Additionally, we will have YUMMY and DELICIOUS baked goods from some
of our culinarily talented members for sale during all lessons and
Social Dance on Wednesday! Everything is only $1! We are in the
process of planning fun Club events for later in the semester, and all
proceeds will go towards helping fund them!

So be brave, and you might learn something amazing!

== END ==

Happy Dancing!
Madeleine Robson, Secretary/Treasurer-in-Training/VP CMUBDC

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