Steel City Classic

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at
Mon Mar 21 14:55:17 EDT 2011

Hello, dancers!

This Saturday, March 26, our wonderful instructors Rozana and Terry Sweeney are hosting the Steel City Classic DanceSport Amateur Competition right here in Pittsburgh. CMU is sending a team of 29 competitors, and there will be many more participants from other schools and studios. We invite you all to come support our team, enjoy some beautiful dancing, and see what ballroom competitions are all about! The competition will be held in the Cathedral Room at St. Nick, located at 419 South Dithridge Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15232 from 8:30AM until 11PM. General admission is $15 for college students or children under 15, and $20 for everyone else. Please visit for more information.

We will also be hosting a social on Friday, March 25, right before the competition, and we invite you to attend that as well! It will be from 6:30 to 10PM in the Skibo Gym dance studio (directions can be found here: We hope to see you at one or both of these great events!


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