Fwd: vote for Avery and Billy (from Rozana's Art and Style studio) to Dance with Hines Ward

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Jun 29 21:05:05 EDT 2011

A couple that our great teacher Rozana is coaching needs your votes!
please take a couple of seconds and vote for them on facebook!

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Avery and Billy have an opportunity to dance with Hines Ward
tomorrow--all they need is votes!  It is a bit difficult to do but go
to the following link:


Become a friend (or like) the City of Pittsburgh

If possible, "like" Avery and Billy

If it is not possible (because the "like" is not showing), then please
log out and log back in, and then you will be allowed to vote.

It would also be great if you could ask your friends to follow the
same directions and vote for Avery and Billy.  They sure would
appreciate it!  More later on the outcome.

Maria Chaderina
PhD Candidate TSB CMU
GSIA 308

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