Upcoming events

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Sat Jan 15 08:56:23 EST 2011

Hi all,

A quick summary of upcoming events!

1. Tryouts are next wed from 6-7 PM. They will focus on Silver Paso, Silver
Cha-cha, and Gold Jive and Waltz (these are the one coming up the
soonest). All others can be tried out for as well you are ready.

2. Want some extra practice before tryouts? Sunday from 12-2p there will
be structured practice for the upcoming tryouts!

3. No classes on Monday! Instead we get a weird Wednesday schedule with
     Peter/McKenna/Wright rooms
     6-7 PM Gold/Silver Tryouts!
     8-9 PM Social Salsa
     9-10 PM Social Argentine Tango/Jitterbug (TBA)

4. Helpful links:

Tryout information (what you need):

Paso Bronze requirement video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE8E1oUPdoA

Happy Dancing,
Madeleine Robson, Secretary

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