[Reminder] RSVP Latin Workshop now
CMU Ballroom Dance Club
ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Sep 16 12:27:56 EDT 2010
Hello Dancers,
In case you missed email sent out yesterday.
Here is the link to RSVP for the Latin Dance Workshop.
Please complete the form by Friday at noon to get discounts.
What: Latin Dance Workshop
When: Friday Sept 17
6-7 Cha Cha, 7-8 Rumba, 8-9 Jive, 9-10 Open Floor
Where: Rangos 3 (our usual place for lessons)
Why: Learn new fancy moves.
Be more confident when dancing.
Improve your techniques. etc...
Price at door: $20 for all 3 lessons or $8 for 1 lesson
Price for RSVP: $5 for each lesson.
To RSVP follow the link:
We offer you this workshop tomorrow night (Friday) to improve your dance
techniques, be more confident when you dance, and look cool with fancy
moves.All 3 lessons will be taught by Rozana Sweeney, a professional
Lessons plan:
Rumba - hip action and spins
Cha cha - getting cha cha up to speed (with correct technique)
Jive - the seven different chasses
COME OUT TO JOIN US AND MEET FRIeNDS this Friday night !!!
-Dolsarit Somseang (Pae)
CMUBDC Events Coordinator
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