Halloween Masquerade ball Saturday!

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Oct 28 22:45:53 EDT 2010

Hello dancers!

Our largest event for the fall is coming up--Halloween Masquerade ball in
2 days! Come by Rangos ballroom Saturday, October 30th from 7-11 PM to
learn V waltz, enjoy Fall goodies,
decorate masks, and of course, DANCE!

Highlights of the evening include:
 *V Waltz lesson from John Dryden, 7-8 PM*
 *Showcases from the competition team*
 *Raffle for 5 fun prizes*
 *Costume Contest*
 *Fun Contests throughout!*

 Entry is FREE if you are in costume-$5 otherwise!

SEE YOU ALL THERE (in costume!)
Jackie Z

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