Swingin' on a Star-Tonight!

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Mar 19 03:39:38 EDT 2010

Hello Dancers!

Our big event is tonight! Come by Swingin' on a Star to experience and
dance to AMAZING live music from the Starfall Orchestra! Doors open and
beginner Swing lesson starts at 7 PM with live music starting at 8 PM.
Invite all of your friends! This event is absolutely FREE and open to all~

What: Swingin' on a Star featuring the Starfall Orchestra
When: FRIDAY, March 19th, 2010
Where: Carnegie Mellon University-University Center, Rangos 1-3
Who: Everyone!

7 PM - Doors open
7-8 PM - Beginner Swing Lesson by CMU Ballroom members
8-11:30 PM - Dancing with the music of the Starfall Orchestra!

The Starfall Orchestra is a newly formed, professional 18-piece ensemble
dedicated to entertaining live audiences with the best in American jazz
and dance music, and is comprised of the best of Pittsburgh's young reed,
brass, and rhythm players.

~Party like it's 1939!~

Free parking is available in the east campus garage located next to the
University Center building on Forbes Ave.

Happy Dancing~
Jackie Z

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