Shoe order deadline TOMORROW!

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at
Thu Feb 25 18:36:33 EST 2010

Hello dancers with no shoes!

This is a reminder that the deadline for ordering shoes (for the LAST
ORDER OF THE YEAR) is tomorrow!, FRIDAY, 2-26!

I will be sending out the order at 10:30 PM, so e-mail me with your order
before that time. If you have already e-mailed me/seen me at lessons, your
order is already in. After I place the order, I will let you know how much
exactly your shoes cost with shipping (approximately $30) and e-mail you
to let you know. Please bring payment to the next lesson you attend,
ideally before Spring Break!


E-mail me at jackiez at with CMUBDC Shoes in the subject line:
Please include: Name, phone number, shoe number, size, and heel height
(when necessary)

10:30 PM tomorrow! Happy dancing with shoes~
Jackie Z

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