Lessons TUESDAY!

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Feb 2 00:19:53 EST 2010

Hello Dancers!

Our weekly Wednesday lessons will occur instead TODAY on Tuesday! Come to
the first lesson of our new set~

6-7 PM Silver Foxtrot -with John Dryden
7-8 PM Fundamental Waltz -with John Dryden
8-9 PM Bronze Cha-cha - with Rozana Sweeney
9-10 PM Social Open dance~

Remember, if you are interested in joining the competition team, simply
send an e-mail to ballroom at andrew.cmu.edu with Competition Team in the
subject line to get more info on competitions, practices, and partner

Our Valentine's day social is coming up! February 13th we will be having
our special event, Beneath the New Moon, including a professional American
Waltz lesson by John Dryden, sit-down formal dinner, and dancing all night
long-Featuring a special raffle with some great prizes, mixer events, and
chocolate fondue! Cost is $20 per person or $35 for 2--poster attached!

Happy Dancing~
Jackie Z
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