PASO DOBLE Party! 7-10 PM Rangos!
CMU Ballroom Dance Club
ballroom-general at
Tue Oct 20 20:14:20 EDT 2009
Hello dancers!
Come learn the dance of the bullfighter this Wednesday for a special
Mid-semester party (takes place of Social I and Social II)!
Featuring lots of food, intense dancing and social fun! We'll be having a
raffle drawing at the end of the night for prizes and lots of fun dances
along the way---Details below:
What: Paso Doble Party!
When: Wednesday, October 21st from 7-10 PM
Where: Rangos Hall
Why: To learn the Paso Doble and eat/dance/play with your fellow club
-Paso what? Check out the video!
Silver Jive will go on as planned (6-7 PM)--See you all there!
Jackie Z
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